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DatenschutzerklärungDr. Silvia Anna Bernhuber- Sanandarhea / Psychotherapist
mobile: #43-650-4793886 - www.sanandarhea.at - contact@sanandarhea.at

What do I offer?
Conversation - Relaxation – Constellation work
To help you find clarity and your true intent, to lead you into your innermost deepest space of yourself,
to help you open up to your connection with your soul, to get the answers you are looking for,
to support your self-healing energies, to gain empowerment and completeness.
What can you book?
one-to-one sessions, also at phone or skype, sessions for couples and group-seminars, workshops.
Extras to evolve consciousness, self-reflection and ability of relaxation: Training in Indigenous Healing- Techniques of the Mexican Toltecian Tradition
Sweat Lodges (only with prvate invitation) to deepen the inner process and work through your fears
With whom I work?
women and men from 14 to high age...
with themes of relation, work, family, spirituality
for orientation, letting go, acceptance, transformation
in crisis, depression, with anxiety, psychosomatic symptoms and so on.
What is Psychodrama?
Psychodrama was found by Jacob Levi Moreno. It works by being in the moment and recreating old life-situations which caused to pain or blockades or creating coming situations which you fear of. It transforms them into openness to life and being again in true relations with others, to have the courage to feel emotions and get through to the other side... the side of receiving life with open heart, being in the power of love, peace and connection.
Constellation Work, Role Playing, Sculpture Techniques and much more are used in this method for finding back in the abundance of your own and life, for acting freely in all needed roles without the masks of your Ego. Seeing through the game of life, is leading us to play it with joy and lightness coming from the heart and with a clear mind.
J.L.Moreno (1889-1974) was a medical doctor born in a Jewish family in Rumania, living then in Austria before he moved to USA. He was thinking in an holistic way. He was fascinated from the role-play of children, the spontaneous theatre and had a strong spiritual background, which he all integrated in his work. He gave important impulses to Sociology and the beginning of Group- Therapy.
How I work including indigenous techniques?
I give impulses to your system with words, through my presence,
I hold the space for you,
to help you get through the resistance of your ego, to let it go a little more
so that blockades pass by more easily and shift your structures into a healthy state.
I lead you into Inner Journeys accomplished with silence, singing and drumming.
It strengthens your believe in your intuition, your wisdom,
to support your mind to accept the truth- which your soul knows anyway.
This is all-
yes and humour, a little bit of movement, toning, talking
and listening to you– honour your being.
I open up for a force, that is bigger than you or me,
that flows through me to you, that flows to you directly,
a clear presence of mine helps you to receive that which is intended by you-
that is all.
All knowledge is already inside you and always has been,
you do not lack anything, you are whole, complete.
It is only to remember, to see it clearly again,
what you know already deep inside and always knew.
You can reconnect to the stream of universal knowledge,
to your inner wisdom, which is stored in your genes, in the matrix of universe.
What is the effect?
You are able to change and achieve, what you wished for more easily, have more understanding
and you feel much more free and clear in life, the inner forces to heal got activated.
People feel mostly happy and calm after a session. It can come to an aggravation as a "first-reaction" by activating deep hidden themes, this passes by and is normally a good sign... also worth to be welcomed like all of You!
My background
Born in 1968, living in Vienna, two children.
Medical degree 1998
since 1998 Psychotherapist
1991-1997 training in Psychodrama Therapy,
permanent further training in different psychotherapy methods is standard for us psychotherapists,
one of my last favourits in the last years has been Chuck Spezzano
4-year training in the Mexican Healing- Techniques of Toltecian Tradition,
over 10-year experience in the Healing-Tradition of the Peruvian Amazon- tribe of the Shibipo- Conibo,
different seminars over twenty years for further training and for fun and more
like dance, Yoga, Overtone singing, Sweat Lodge Ceremonies
and a lot of books.

Dance your power
we will dance our own nature
we will dance our power, expressed in our power- animals, which we will find in a deep inner shamanic journey
we will create on paper with words and/ or colours, we play it out and we will dance it
we will come together in these spirits as a group
we will connect to the power of an unknown power- animal- spirit
trust the process and my guidance- we will have fun
weekend- seminarFriday 2nd 6p.m. till Sunday 4th of October 2020 3p.m.
place:OÖ/ Seminarhaus der Baum
costs: for the weekend € 300.-
Her you find some videos- clips to inspire you:
"Crow"- feel free to improvise in wild ways!
Warm up- this contemporary floor work could be a warm up for dancing our own dance
"horses never lie"- the horse is my family- power- animal, yes this too exists!
"By chance" my first drum has the skin from a horse, when I had not already connected to this knowledge of family- power- animals!
Horses are very social, sensitive and sensible beings, they can see into the future and have magical power and deep strength, a calm spirit, connect air and earth and will bring you forward through supporting you to listen to your need for a break and connecting yourself back to your body. The horse also symbolizes in some cultures fortune and wealth, liberty...
Here an indigenous bear - dance!
More important than all of these informations is, what you will connect with your own power- animal or another... and this we will find out together in the workshop!!!
Looking forward to share this all with you!
we will dance our own nature
we will dance our power, expressed in our power- animals, which we will find in a deep inner shamanic journey
we will create on paper with words and/ or colours, we play it out and we will dance it
we will come together in these spirits as a group
we will connect to the power of an unknown power- animal- spirit
trust the process and my guidance- we will have fun
weekend- seminarFriday 2nd 6p.m. till Sunday 4th of October 2020 3p.m.
place:OÖ/ Seminarhaus der Baum
costs: for the weekend € 300.-
Her you find some videos- clips to inspire you:
"Crow"- feel free to improvise in wild ways!
Warm up- this contemporary floor work could be a warm up for dancing our own dance
"horses never lie"- the horse is my family- power- animal, yes this too exists!
"By chance" my first drum has the skin from a horse, when I had not already connected to this knowledge of family- power- animals!
Horses are very social, sensitive and sensible beings, they can see into the future and have magical power and deep strength, a calm spirit, connect air and earth and will bring you forward through supporting you to listen to your need for a break and connecting yourself back to your body. The horse also symbolizes in some cultures fortune and wealth, liberty...
Here an indigenous bear - dance!
More important than all of these informations is, what you will connect with your own power- animal or another... and this we will find out together in the workshop!!!
Looking forward to share this all with you!
Joyousness from Heart
Group-Evenings about one time a month!
Always feel welcomed at this group and free to come! I also can work in English there and it is a lot without words!!!!
We are working on different levels of consciousness, defining a clear intention at the beginning and reflecting about the experienced things at the end. Toning, intuitive singing, drumming, deep relaxation, movement, Inner Journey. There is also one-to-one work in the group-setting!! Take a look!
the group-setting does make a break Wednesday 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
costs: €44.-/evening
Group-Evenings about one time a month!
Always feel welcomed at this group and free to come! I also can work in English there and it is a lot without words!!!!
We are working on different levels of consciousness, defining a clear intention at the beginning and reflecting about the experienced things at the end. Toning, intuitive singing, drumming, deep relaxation, movement, Inner Journey. There is also one-to-one work in the group-setting!! Take a look!
the group-setting does make a break Wednesday 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
costs: €44.-/evening
Crystal Skull-Empowerment meets Glass- Armonica
We will work in English and German, as needed!
We will raise our energies by connecting with the loveful spirit of this crystal skull, which I am carrying over 6 years! After us being in a silence for a while, we are ready to share the power of purest light with you again!
Come and join us!
You will get channeled messages, which I have already prepared and there will be a direct live- channeling for you on this day! You by yourself will share your own message, that you will get, the special part, which may be for all of us! I will support this and initiate you in the way, how to do it!
We will be surrounded by the etheric sounds of our special guests Christa und Gerald Schönfeldinger! Glass- Armonica and Crystal- Skull will unite on this evening in bliss, as they are coming from the some time- period!
This is a very special and rare possibility!
A new date will follow!
We will work in English and German, as needed!
We will raise our energies by connecting with the loveful spirit of this crystal skull, which I am carrying over 6 years! After us being in a silence for a while, we are ready to share the power of purest light with you again!
Come and join us!
You will get channeled messages, which I have already prepared and there will be a direct live- channeling for you on this day! You by yourself will share your own message, that you will get, the special part, which may be for all of us! I will support this and initiate you in the way, how to do it!
We will be surrounded by the etheric sounds of our special guests Christa und Gerald Schönfeldinger! Glass- Armonica and Crystal- Skull will unite on this evening in bliss, as they are coming from the some time- period!
This is a very special and rare possibility!
A new date will follow!
In this training group we will work with the Mexican Healing- techniques of the Toltecian Tradition.
We willmove in clear defined structures, dance freely and sing some mantras to warm up for our structured experiences in silence, reconnect to our intuition, the highest levels of consciousness and outer worlds learn to know our selves, our body in an holistic way and the essence of universe Doing this training together with others, a community naturally builds up, so we will have more fun and insights, gain more power by being deeply grounded in this world and strongly connected to our highest source!
A group is possible from 6 participants up to 20!
In this training group we will work with the Mexican Healing- techniques of the Toltecian Tradition.
We will
A group is possible from 6 participants up to 20!
Light of Consciousness
self-refelcting- therapeutic group in German! If there is interest for this in English, please let me know!
We work with all your themes on different levels- with words, Psychodrama-Constellation-Work and with Deep-Level-Relaxation, opening up for the pics of your Inner Stage, reflecting them together or acting them out on a real stage and getting answers to your questions! Connected to our highest source we find into transformation, development, increase of confidence, healthy relations, clarity on al levels!!!
2020:from March on, weekly on Wednesday evenings from 6 p.m.to 8 p.m.!
costs: €70.-/ evening
self-refelcting- therapeutic group in German! If there is interest for this in English, please let me know!
We work with all your themes on different levels- with words, Psychodrama-Constellation-Work and with Deep-Level-Relaxation, opening up for the pics of your Inner Stage, reflecting them together or acting them out on a real stage and getting answers to your questions! Connected to our highest source we find into transformation, development, increase of confidence, healthy relations, clarity on al levels!!!
2020:from March on, weekly on Wednesday evenings from 6 p.m.to 8 p.m.!
costs: €70.-/ evening
Journey to Peru 14 days together in the Amzonian rainforests: We will visit an healing- centre in the rain-forest about 10 days and work with healers there in ceremonies during the night. I will guide your processes in group- meetings during the day, optional we will also spend 4 days in the primary rain-forest to experience wild nature.
next trip to Peru 2021
next trip to Peru 2021